♥Sunday, September 13, 2009.
Was talking with Ann over something that we both got really aggitated about. Like about students from our school. I can really identify with her.
Let me just throw out a random comment. Really, if all of us knew how HC was like on the inside, all of you people out there learn about the bad side of our students, I don't think you'll think as much of us as you are now. I know my language isn't very good, but I hope you get what I mean. Really, if outside people knew how inconsiderate people are and how bad they can get, I won't even be proud of ourselves. And to think we are some premier institution. Honestly, its not like I don't like HC or I'm not proud of HC now. There are some parts to school life which I think is really lovely now, such as having great friends and teachers around. But there are also some that actually shame me endlessly, and really make me think very badly of our students. I'm not saying that I'm an exception or anything; honestly, I think I've changed too. I've become less caring, less passionate, less observant. Its a really horrible feeling.
A long discussion. Haha. And I listed like a lot of examples. Haha let me write an essay on that, I think I'll ace it cause I have a lot of examples. Really. Its from what I've seen, heard, observed and even gone through. Haha. If you're interested you can talk to me about that topic. I've got truckloads to say. Just that its not very nice to be posting it here (even though I think not a lot of people read, but you never know..) Yea. Really, I'm very interested in this topic. Haha.
I know no one is perfect. Honestly. I think I'm far from perfect, even. Haha not as though I've ever gotten closer or anything. But I think reality is .. I can't think of a definitive adjective to describe, but yea, it makes me speechless sometimes. Oh well. Guess that's the world for you.
I'm doing retarded stuff like watching youtube videos. Haha. Really, its a good way to numb all feelings of guilt and pain. Haha. Like some drug like that. No lah. But its really addictive. :D
Just saw this quote from someone's blog. She is someone I admire a lot. Really.
When we are alive, we need to do things that make us feel right.
Things that give us that feeling that we are living our own lives, our own choices.
And if we are honest with our feelings,
we ought not feel bad for making others sad, because lying is worse.
Sounds really true and something to truly believe in isn't it. I really want to believe in it. Haha, but I can't agree with the last line actually. I can't come to terms with myself over that. Because its never always only about yourself. And lying is never always worse. I know that.
Haha suddenly this post turned emo. But honestly, after so much I've gone through (okay, not much, some people have gone through more.), things leave me kind of helpless, hopeless, speechless and yea. So there. Which led me to the conclusion above, actually.
Today's been really horrible. Like my sleeping pattern is getting really really really screwed up. And I've got nothing prepared for tomorrow. Well done. Really, I've got no drive over here.
I'm scared to go back to that time. Honestly. But I seem to be slipping back unknowingly.
And I've really set my mind to type that email to that certain someone. I'm sorry for everything. Really.
Its 12 now. But I don't think I can sleep, because I slept the entire afternoon. Told you my sleeping pattern is screwed. And I'm having really really really horrible breakouts. I'm damn freaking sad over it. ): Why do people have nice skin. Jealous. ><>
And I can't stop myself from biting my nails. They're getting way too short, its starting to hurt. Freak me.
I have an idea for a new artwork. Working on it now. :D Hopefully it'll turn out like what I imagine. And actually I'm thinking of having two versions. I'm going to try watercolour for the first time. :D Wish me good luck.
And honestly, drawing is therapeutic. :D
And I want my black toenails. ): My pedicure from Malaysia is coming off. ): Its damn cheap. And its damn pretty. :D Really. :D I'll still paint it black if I get another one. Its a nice contrast (cause my feet are freaking white. Haha.). I don't think I'll sleep early tonight actually.
And I've started journal entries on this com! Haha like typed out. Its so lazy, but its very me. Its like blogging without letting anyone know the content. And I think I type a lot of rubbish. Haha. I think I'll be amazed by myself if I read them again. Like how I get amused when I read my pst blogposts. Really, this blog is totally memorable. Haha. From its lousy name to its lousy typing style, its something that has accompanied me for... 5 years? Almost there. :D Really. I'm proud of it. I know I'll never remember what I've mentioned here, like if I type those vague and retarded stuff that calls people A and B, but I know its a record of my thoughts and my expectations. Haha. Its starting to get emo again. Really, I just keep lapsing into it huh. Hopefully I will be clear tomorrow. Or after tomorrow.
Honestly, I'm feeling really horrible now. Haha. Okay that wasn't very convincing, but yes, I am. I'm really sick and tired of smiling. And laughing, for that matter. Its really really really tiring trying to act happy when you're not. Especially at home, when you're supposed to be most relaxed and yourself. But I feel like I need a perma mask. Someone draw me a clown face. I'm really sick and tired. Especially when they try to be nice (or act nice) and talk to me. I know I can't control myself sometimes and end up showing black face that kind of thing. And I feel really guilty. I know my cousin once said, don't have to care, just be yourself. But I can't. Really, I think its a kind of self-hate thing. Haha like I really will hate me if I saw myself. I think I'm getting delusional. Lol. And really, its really tiring. Okay its like the fourth time I'm saying it but yes.
I don't want to make them worried. Really. I don't. That's the last thing I want to happen. They're the people I love the most, people I care about the most. I don't want them to suffer because of me. Because I know they already are suffering. I'm feeling quite horrible for being so uncaring, really. And very bu dong shi (lazy change to chinese. ><). I know I've been spoilt, bad. Really. I know. I know I'm not a good daughter. To think they love me so much. Arg.
Okay I really should stop. Haha. This post is getting meaningless. And I only actually wanted to talk about the first part of the blog post actually. Its like I'm moving my journal entry out here.
Oh to Qian Wen: Haha yes yes come see! :D Although I don't know whether my mum will allow, but don't care, she's going Malaysia these few days. I'll drag you here if I need to. :D Hahaha. And actually I think it looks nicer in picture than on the wall actually, cause it doesn't really look very .. clean? As in sharp, crisp. Haha. But I still like the roses. :D
Okay its a really long post. My posts are getting kind of long and whiny (I almost typed windy. Haha.). All rights. I shall go type a journal entry now. :D
|| At 10:48 PM, Jocelyn thought so.♥ ||